General Safety Rules

1.          The goggles provided by the university are to be properly worn at all times in the lab.

2.          You are to be properly dressed in the lab.

a.          Close-toed shoes.

b.          At least a short sleeve shirt.

c.           Pants.

3.          No eating or drinking allowed in the lab at any time.

4.          The lab coats provided by the university are to be properly worn at all times in the lab.

5.          If you leave the lab, remove your gloves and wash your hands.

6.          No horse play allowed in the lab at any time.

7.          Dispose of chemicals properly (see waste disposal standard operating procedure).

8.          Know where all the safety equipment is located (fire extinguisher, fire blanket, eyewash stations and shower).

9.          If an accident occurs, notify your TA as soon as possible.

10.      Follow the procedure of the lab. Do not attempt any experiments that have not been authorized.

11.      Clean your area after you have finished the lab.

12.      Wash your glassware properly and dispose of any broken glassware into the appropriate container (see glassware standard operating procedure).

13.      Do not run in the lab, walk calmly.

14.      Give people plenty of room when moving around the lab. Do not crowd around other people. Especially if they are carrying chemicals, chemicals or lab equipment such as syringes and needles.

15.      You should dedicate a pen as a lab pen and use it strictly for the lab. This will limit exposure of chemicals outside of lab. Also remember, never put this pen into your mouth and do not use this pen if you are wearing gloves.

16.      Treat everyone in the lab with respect and courtesy.

17.      Avoid contact of the chemicals on your skin. If you do come into contact with the chemicals, ensure that you wash the area properly. If it requires special procedures, follow them. (See chemical exposure standard operating procedure).